Wednesday 26 February 2014


Jazzpunk. Finally a recent game! I just finished the game today so whilst it's still fresh in my mind I 
thought I'd write my thoughts down on it.

Now the intro. I absolutely adored the intro. The 60s style intro really gave off a great first impression to me, and made me really excited to play the game. Then you get to the first mission, and that's when everything changed for me. The basic storyline is you're a robot detective/agent type of person. But every mission you do, you're high. And I feel like tha'ts how I'd need to play the game in order to enjoy it. I'd need to be high.

Now I know the makes call the game a "first-person slapstick comedy", but for me, it was just ridiculous at some places. I understand that as the character himself is high (he takes pills before every mission called "missionoyl"), but even with that taken into account there are a lot of moments where you just sit back and think "what the hell was that about?".
For example, one moment in the first mission, you take a box of cereal, empty it out to receive a toy whistle which you proceed to blow at the phone in order to dial... What? Why a whistle? Why is the whistle in a cereal box? It just confused me. Admittedly, there were moments that did make me chuckle, but overall for me, the weird outweighed the good.
One thing I did like and appreciate were the mini games within the game, even the silly ones such a painting a woman's toenails, up to the Doom-style wedding arena. If you look around there are plenty to play, and they really are fun and silly, and add a little something to the game.

So as for the graphics. It was far too bright for me. I guess I should of seen it coming from the flamboyant opening scene, but the florescent colouring EVERYWHERE was a burden to my eyes. The scenery itself I also really liked (even if the colours made me squint), as it kept that whole 60s style shown throughout. It looked like a 60s cartoon which I thought was amazing. But the choice for how the characters looked, again I wasn't too impressed. Just a simple toilet sign outline for a person wearing different clothes and having a different voice than the last character. It also didn't really fit in with the game. I understand they're robots and it's set in a future like setting (due to the gizmo's and whatnot), so it's kinda... odd to me. A futuristic 60s? I dunno, maybe I'm missing something there, I'm not sure.

The music I really did like again, and it made the missions more enjoyable with the fun soundtrack in the background, however some of the voice acting was terrible, and I was glad for the subtitles underneath the character (although some words or sentences were missed out in the subtitles)

Overall, I'm glad I gave this game a chance. I really am. The good aspects of this game were fantastic, but unfortunately for me, the bad parts really wouldn't make me want to play this game again. I am interested to go back and see if I've missed anything, but I'd also be just as happy leaving the game be. One playthrough of this game really was enough for me.

Unless I get high... then maybe I'll give it another shot...

So thanks again for reading my article. 

Until next time
- KirreeH
An example of the bright, bright scenery in this game (screenshot taken from Google)

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