Tuesday 25 February 2014

Deus Ex

Now, when I say Deus Ex, I don't mean Human Revolution. I am on about the 2000 released original here. The first in the series.
Now this game being 14 years old, is another game I grew up with. Admittedly my brother and I only played a demo we had for years until we found the game in a store, and our pocket money was put together to buy it. I think it was about £10? Best £10 we ever spent. Hands down.
Even to this day, I can start a new game and play for hours upon hours, just doing the most stupid things. I know there ARE ways of completing the game in under an hour, but I prefer to enjoy the storyline and the surroundings. Rather than worrying about completing everything quickly. Another bonus for me is when I can get a few friends around, I can play online games as well. Admittedly, the online community for this game is nowhere near as big as it was when I joined back in 2007, but if 3 or more people are in a server, its likely more will join.

Now the game itself compared to Human Revolution is a lot more linear. There's a lot less decision making to be had, and a different choice of words pretty much brings out the same scenario happening at that moment in time. Sure you might annoy someone and kill them, but overall it doesnt effect the end game. But the storyline itself I really enjoyed. Even at the start (not giving away any spoilers, even though the game is old) you come across scenarios you wouldn't of expected when you started out. And the ending takes a huge turn when you have a choice of 3 different endings. The first and only real choice you can make which actually impacts the story. But nevertheless, I really enjoyed the storyline.

The characters you come across as well are brilliant. Limited to only a few lines (hitting them will most likely bring out a choice of 3 different annoyed sentences), but they really make the story come alive. And I enjoyed throwing stuff at them just to annoy them cus hey, why not?
Finally I will comment on the weapon choices. Whether you want to try and stay stealthy with a sniper rifle, or blow everything away with your GEP-gun, you get a fantastic variety of different weapons and ammo types to play around with making sure the game is played the way you want it to be. Myself? I've always been a gunz-a-blazing type of person, so anything assault is good with me.

So as for the graphics in this game, at the time of release they were pretty top notch. Even to this day, I don't think it's an ugly game to look at. Compared to Human Revolution... well, it doesn't compare lets face it. The only downfall to me is that it could be very dark in places. There is a way around that as you have what's called "augmentations", one being a light you can use, but it's not on unlimited usage, so if you run out it can be frustrating.

Audio in this game I loved. The soundtrack I can listen to again and again, specifically the music when you enter Hong Kong to do a mission (Have a listen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzvw8uSWucM ). And all sound effects sound true to what it should be. Only thing I would change is that a lot of voices are re-used, and the dialogue being limited. But it's one of those things where the good outweighs the bad and I really to find it a treat to listen to, even when I'm not playing the game I will happily listen to the soundtrack (no lies.).

I highly recommend if you've played Human Revolution, to definitely give this game a go. I know it's old, and the graphics aren't great and etc. But you really will have a great time if you enjoy a good fps game such as myself. And there is always the silly factor of being able to pick up many items in the game to throw around at people or distract them, and there are fun times in the sense that if you shoot a bad guy and hide? They'll forget about it after a minute or so (I always found that fun, no idea why...)

But yes, a definate recommendation for any fps players out there, and for 7euro on Steam? It's well worth it for the hours of fun it shall give you.

So thanks for reading, and again, any feedback is MORE than welcome so please let me know what you think.

See you next time!

"I wanted orange. It game me lemon-lime"
One of the best lines in the game, this is following a discussion between these two in which the man, Gunther Hermann, is convinced the maintenance man is against him, swapping drinks in the vending machine to spite him.

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