Saturday, 14 June 2014


So I'm here, I'm settled, got a new job working at a Wetherspoon's pub (lovely jubbly) and have spent an insane amount of time playing Call of Duty: Black Ops.
Now for me, the franchise is alright although I've never properly taken the time out to play through any storylines as of yet. My time has been wasted on zombies. And yes, I mean wasted. My god, what is it about that game that's so horrific and terrible, yet I have to keep playing over and over again.
My dad is addicted and is turning me into an addict myself and I feel like I may go insane if I don't find another game to play in my spare time :)
Still no PC as of yet so maybe Call of Duty storylines are next for me!


Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Goat Simulator

Now I have to admit, when this game was first announced, I was one of the many thousands of people who thought "really? a goat simulator?" and thinking the whole concept was a tad bit stupid.
This however rapidly changed when my partner decided to purchase it so I felt the need to play for myself...
Now I'm not normally a huge fan of games which are based on pure silliness (take Jazzpunk for example) but for some reason I really enjoyed this game. Now I know it's buggy, but that really doesn't phase me at all. I mean come on, I completed Dead Island and that was buggy as hell. I guess it adds to the entertainment value for me.

Now for the recent update, I'm loving everything new that was added in. The new goals, the new goats, the new map. EVERYTHING. And lets not forget the rooftop party with DeadMau5 and how catchy that music playing was. I literally had it on for an hour after whilst I continued creating havoc around the city. Fabulous.

Now I know this isn't a proper review, but I just wanted to express my love for this game and to get something out to you guys before I move to England Friday. And I shall be without my beloved computer until we save up the funds to have it shipped over. Sad times :(

Until then, I shall try and use the pc in England to play something to keep me occupied. Or the PlayStation 3 shall be on constantly!

Until next time